Thursday, January 2, 2014

Abs muscle beginner training


Abs muscle beginner training

scissor kick

start: lie on your back with your arms by
your sides, palms facing down legs extended
with a slight bend in your knees.

move: lift your heels off the floor about 6
inches, then make small, rapid alternating
up and down scissor like motion as you lift
each leg about 45 degrees into the air and lower
while the pace of the scissor motion is fairly
rapid take about tow seconds total to complete
the full upward and downward movement.


start: lie on your back
with your feet flat on the
floor and knees bent about
60 degrees. position your
arms nest to your hips
palms down.

move: curl your torso up,
sliding your hands toward
your feet as your shoulder
blades lift off the floor
slowly return to the
start position. to decrease
difficulty, keep your hands
close to the floor. if that's
still too tough, rest your
hands on the floor.

side jackknife 

start: lie on your right side, keeping your left
leg over your right one, bending your knees
slightly. place your right hand in  a comfortable
position rest your left hand behind your head.

move: As you pull with your obliques, bring
your torso and left leg together. hold the
contraction briefly and lower slowly do reps to
both sides to complete one set. tip: try holding
your floor- side hand on your obliques to feel
them contract.

Triceps muscle begginner training


Triceps muscle beginner training 

Close-grip bench press

start: lie face-up a flat bench and grasp the barbell with your
hands 6-12 inches apart.

move: press the bar directly over your chest to just short of
lockout. lower the bar slowly, keeping your elbows as close to
your sides as possible. at the bottom of the movement your
elbows should be a little lower than your shoulders. keep the
motion controlled, and don't over arch your back to get the bar up.

Machine dip

start: grasp the handles with
your palms facing you body.
keep your feet flat on the floor
and gluts, back and
shoulder blades pressed
against the support pad.

move: with your arms close to
your sides throughout ( elbows
pointed straight back behind
you) press the handles down to
just short of lockout then slowly
bring the handles back up so your
elbows are at about chest level.

Straight-bar cable press down

start: with a slight bend in your knees, stand erect
facing a high-cable pulley. grasp a short straight bar
with your hands placed 6-8 inches apart palms-down
and bend your elbows to 90 degrees.

move: keeping your elbows stationary near you
sides slowly straighten your arms. pause at full
extension and squeeze your triceps, then slowly
return to the start position.

Close-grip push-up

start: lie face down on the floor in a push-up
position, placing your hands a few and coming up on
your toes.

move: with your forehead facing the floor and your
abs pulled in, lower your body by bending your elbows
stop the motion when your upper arms are about
parallel to the floor, and reverse to the start. Avoid the
tendency to lock out your elbows at the top and rest,
instead keeping continuous tension on your triceps.

Biceps muscle beginner training


Biceps muscle beginner training 

standing barbell curl

start: with your knees slightly
bent and your feet about hip-width
apart, grasp a barbell with a
shoulder width underhand grip
let the bar hang to your thighs
keep your abs pulled in and your
elbows stationary.

move: without swaying, slowly
curl the bar in an arc toward your
shoulders as you exhale. pause at
the top of the movement, squeeze
your biceps and slowly lower the
bar almost to the start. don't lift the
bar completely to your shoulders,
and don't let it touch your thighs
at the bottom in order to keep
continuous tension on the biceps.

Ez-bar preacher curl

start: position the seat height so your
armpits are flush against the pad. place
your feet forward to help stability your
body and grasp the Ez-bar with an
underhand grip so your little fingers
and higher than your thumbs ( your
palms pinnate out ) this helps keep
your elbows in and better isolate the
lower biceps.

move: slowly raise the bar to shoulder
level, pause and squeeze your biceps,
then lower the bar to just of elbow

Alternate incline dumbbell curl

start: set an incline bench
 to about a 45-degree angle.
with a dumbbell in each hand
and using a neutral grip
(palms facing each other)
let your arms hang straight
down below your shoulders.

move: keeping your elbow
still slowly bring your right
hand up turning your hand
as you lift so your palm faces
your shoulder. pause and
squeeze the biceps at the top
then lower the weight slowly
to the start. repeat with your
left hand to complete one rep.

Reverse wrist curl and wrist curl

start: grasp a straight bar with and
overhand grip hands about 10 inches
apart kneel on the floor along one side
of a flat bench let your forearms on
the bench let your hands and wrists
hang over the edge.

move: curl your hands up as high as
possible then lower the weight to the
start position to maximize your
range of motion keep your thumbs on
the under of the bar .repeat for reps
then use an underhand grip with your
hands about 4 inches apart and perform
the same movement

Leg muscle beginner training


Leg muscle beginner training

barbell squat

start: stand with the bar across your
shoulders and traps, grasping it just outside
your shoulders.twist the bar to unrack it.

move: with your chest high, head up and back
slightly arched, bend your knees and hips as if
you'er sitting back in a chair until your thighs
are parallel to the floor. revers the motion by
driving through your heels and pressing
your hips forward to return to the staring position

Leg extension

start : adjust the seat backrest and
foot pad so your knees are at the edge of the bench
and your ankles are just below the foot pad
sit back against the backrest if applicable

move: grasp the handles or the bench edges behind
your hips and keep your upper body stable as you
straighten your legs in a smooth movement until fully
extended . contract your quads at the top and lower
under control. for full benefits don't let the weight
touch down between repetitions keep the motion
fluid and concentrate on felling the muscle work.

lying leg curl

start: lie face down on a leg-curl machine and position
Achilles tendons below the the padded lever your knees
just off the edge of the bench.grasp the bench or the
handles for stability.make sure your knees are slightly
bent over extension.

move : raise your feet toward your gluts in a strong
but deliberate motion squeezing the muscles at the top
then lower to the start position keep your hips
down on the bench letting them rise to get more leverage
will take emphasis away from the hams.a good mental
trick on hamstring moves is to think of them like the
biceps of your arm on each rep you want to flex them into
a tight ball then release.

standing calf raise

start: stand squarely beneath the
shoulder pads of the calf-raise machine
with the balls of your feet at the edge of
the foot rest.

move: with your legs straight,lower
yourself to stretch your calves then rise
as high as you can squeezing the muscles.

Back muscle beginner training


Back muscle beginner training

bent-over barbell row

start: bend forward from the hips ,keeping torso just
above parallel to the floor and your chest lifted to
maintain the natural arch in your back take an over hand
grip on the bar, hands just outside shoulder-width.

move: strongly pull the bar into your abs, contract your
last and middle-back muscles hard, then slowly lower
the bar all the way down to full arm extension.

wide-grip seated cable row

start: sit at a row station and take a shoulder width
palms down grip on a straight bar bend your knees slightly
and keep your back straight.

move: pull the bar all the way to your upper abs and squeeze you lats
then slowly return the bar to the start leaning forward just a bit to
stretch your lats , but not so much that it causes you to round your lower back

wide grip pull down to front

start: take a wide grip on the bar and
position yourself on the seat with your chest up.
lean back slightly

move: squeeze your lats to initiate the movement, pulling
the bar down in a smooth motion to nearly touch your
upper chest. hold the peak contraction for a moment, then
slowly return the bar all the way up to get a good
stretch through the working muscles. don't rock back
and forth as you rep stay relatively upright throughout.

one arm dumbbell row 

start: grasp a dumbbell in one and rest your free
hand on a bench, keeping your chest slightly lifted
as you bend forward from the hips, one foot just ahead
of the other for balance.

move: keeping your torso stable throughout the movement
pull the dumbbell all the way up to touch you chest, moving
your shoulder backward as your elbow comes toward the ceiling
then lower the dumbbell straight down to the start

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