Biceps muscle beginner training

Biceps muscle beginner training 

standing barbell curl

start: with your knees slightly
bent and your feet about hip-width
apart, grasp a barbell with a
shoulder width underhand grip
let the bar hang to your thighs
keep your abs pulled in and your
elbows stationary.

move: without swaying, slowly
curl the bar in an arc toward your
shoulders as you exhale. pause at
the top of the movement, squeeze
your biceps and slowly lower the
bar almost to the start. don't lift the
bar completely to your shoulders,
and don't let it touch your thighs
at the bottom in order to keep
continuous tension on the biceps.

Ez-bar preacher curl

start: position the seat height so your
armpits are flush against the pad. place
your feet forward to help stability your
body and grasp the Ez-bar with an
underhand grip so your little fingers
and higher than your thumbs ( your
palms pinnate out ) this helps keep
your elbows in and better isolate the
lower biceps.

move: slowly raise the bar to shoulder
level, pause and squeeze your biceps,
then lower the bar to just of elbow

Alternate incline dumbbell curl

start: set an incline bench
 to about a 45-degree angle.
with a dumbbell in each hand
and using a neutral grip
(palms facing each other)
let your arms hang straight
down below your shoulders.

move: keeping your elbow
still slowly bring your right
hand up turning your hand
as you lift so your palm faces
your shoulder. pause and
squeeze the biceps at the top
then lower the weight slowly
to the start. repeat with your
left hand to complete one rep.

Reverse wrist curl and wrist curl

start: grasp a straight bar with and
overhand grip hands about 10 inches
apart kneel on the floor along one side
of a flat bench let your forearms on
the bench let your hands and wrists
hang over the edge.

move: curl your hands up as high as
possible then lower the weight to the
start position to maximize your
range of motion keep your thumbs on
the under of the bar .repeat for reps
then use an underhand grip with your
hands about 4 inches apart and perform
the same movement