Back muscle beginner training

Back muscle beginner training

bent-over barbell row

start: bend forward from the hips ,keeping torso just
above parallel to the floor and your chest lifted to
maintain the natural arch in your back take an over hand
grip on the bar, hands just outside shoulder-width.

move: strongly pull the bar into your abs, contract your
last and middle-back muscles hard, then slowly lower
the bar all the way down to full arm extension.

wide-grip seated cable row

start: sit at a row station and take a shoulder width
palms down grip on a straight bar bend your knees slightly
and keep your back straight.

move: pull the bar all the way to your upper abs and squeeze you lats
then slowly return the bar to the start leaning forward just a bit to
stretch your lats , but not so much that it causes you to round your lower back

wide grip pull down to front

start: take a wide grip on the bar and
position yourself on the seat with your chest up.
lean back slightly

move: squeeze your lats to initiate the movement, pulling
the bar down in a smooth motion to nearly touch your
upper chest. hold the peak contraction for a moment, then
slowly return the bar all the way up to get a good
stretch through the working muscles. don't rock back
and forth as you rep stay relatively upright throughout.

one arm dumbbell row 

start: grasp a dumbbell in one and rest your free
hand on a bench, keeping your chest slightly lifted
as you bend forward from the hips, one foot just ahead
of the other for balance.

move: keeping your torso stable throughout the movement
pull the dumbbell all the way up to touch you chest, moving
your shoulder backward as your elbow comes toward the ceiling
then lower the dumbbell straight down to the start